Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to Bry!

The 24th was Bry's birthday...I promised him I wouldn't mention how old he was...somewhere between 31 and 33, you know...there abouts. We all met at Stoneground for dinner and then went to WiseGuys to laugh for a bit. Just because I don't really tell him enough, I thought I'd take a moment now to let him know how much I love him. He has a contageous laugh and the biggest heart I know. He is a hard worker and a great dad...I really hope he knows that. Very few people give so much of themselves and ask for nothing in return and he is one of them. Love you Bry!

A night as a princess.

After weeks of deciding what to be and then weeks of working on our costumes, Scott and I made our appearance at the Halloween ball. It was such a fun night and well worth all the effort that was put into it. Let me say thank you again to Molly's sister who helped me pull off the 'Belle' hair. Back in September Scott said he wanted to ask me an important question...when someone says that you get a little excited and say of course and ask of the question immediately. He said, what do you suppose we would look good as for Halloween? I'm like what? I thought you said you needed to ask me an important question...he said yeah, important...not serious. Hmmm... Anyhow, and so it began. We had thoughts of being C.S.I people, World War II pilots, and let's not forget the Cookie Monster and Girl Scout idea...we couldn't find the blue fur...but oh yes, it was seriously pondered. It was Scott who finally came up with the idea of Beauty and the Beast. As soon as that idea was passed through the Halli/Sydney costume board...it was a go. Halli offered to be our coach as in letting us know exactly how we needed to act and dress to pull this all off and her reasoning being, 'cause I know mom'. Indeed she did. We found a yellow dress at Dillards and sent that to the seamstress...yes, I know the seamstress...we're not going to talk about what all went into this dress. Scott found an old blue suit and for reasons I can only imagine thought I was seamstress enough to metamorphasize his suit into the Beast's suit. We cut and sewed and trimmed and from furry hand/foot covers to the two gold buttons just above the tails we did it. I say we because he sat next to me and pinned and cut everything that went into his costume. I'd say making the costumes was half the fun of this entire experience. The party was down in Salt Lake and as soon as I put on the dress, the gloves and the silver shoes the girls and I covered in gold and silver beads...I really felt like a princess. It's funny how when you're dressed like that you start to act the part...Scott did just the same, even broke into Tale as Old as Time about a dozen times or so that night. I'm sure it will be a night I won't soon forget.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I Can't Believe It's Really October

For the last 3 years I have found an amazing spot to take the girls to do some fun Fall photos. We went this past weekend up to Sherwood Hills and the leaves and scenery were everything we hoped it would be. For those of you not familiar, Sherwood Hills is a resort/golf course in Sardine Canyon near the Logan area. The colors of the leaves were spectacular and the girls had a blast doing what they enjoy the most...exploring. They found lady bugs, and jewels and apparently some sticker bush that they must have gone swimming in. We tried to do one of all three of us...about 6 or so times but the combination of a 5 year old, a 3 year old and a timer just never seemed to work out so well. Though its always a fun, and beautiful afternoon what I really find most unbelievable is how much the girls grow each year!